After leaving their website dormant for at least six months, our Friends of Wake County (Fowc'ers) finally deactivated it. Prior to last September's school bond referrendum, this group of 'concerned' civic leaders were outspoken regarding the need for investment in education, and in their commitment to sponsor joint public/private partnerships with the BoE to ensure a healthy Wake County school system.
The day after the referrendum passed, these friends went back into hiding (in most cases, they went back into building new homes). I find it ironic that this same developer-driven consortium could raise a small fortune to promote the school bond, but are spending even more on lobbying efforts to deny counties the choice of levying transfer taxes to support the same school system.
These folks must be making a ton of money strip-mining Cary, Ernie already has an $80K campaign war-chest which has been built from their contributions. Seems they always show up with money to keep the development gravy-train rolling, but in truth they don't give a damn about the quality or capacity of our schools and fade into the shadows until they feel threatened.
The day after the referrendum passed, these friends went back into hiding (in most cases, they went back into building new homes). I find it ironic that this same developer-driven consortium could raise a small fortune to promote the school bond, but are spending even more on lobbying efforts to deny counties the choice of levying transfer taxes to support the same school system.
These folks must be making a ton of money strip-mining Cary, Ernie already has an $80K campaign war-chest which has been built from their contributions. Seems they always show up with money to keep the development gravy-train rolling, but in truth they don't give a damn about the quality or capacity of our schools and fade into the shadows until they feel threatened.