Here's a nice picture of the USS Cary, and it is not difficult to imagine that Ernie McAlister is at the helm. He's telling the crew not to worry about a little extra water in the hold, he has grand plans for a new bilge plant which will right the ship -- All is Well !!!
These days Ernie's time is probably consumed with tallying the contributions to his campaign fund from developers ($80K and counting), so I don't think he'll have the spare time to update us on the State of Cary.
I'll do it instead.
It is important to focus on recent history, so I'll use the 2007 Cary Town Council retreat as a starting point. In April, Ernie hosted the council and some of the Wake County BoE folks down at the beach. There, our leaders applied all their brilliance to solving the problems facing Cary, and returned with new ideas, full stomachs and a tan.
What's happened since then?
Ernie showed true leadership by inviting the BoE to participate in the retreat, and he has stood by the board even when a judge ruled that they acted illegally. Immediately after the retreat, Ernie reinforced the need to work 'more closely' with the BoE. A couple of months ago, The Cary News was kind enough to print my open letter to Ernie McAlister in which I asked a number of valid questions concerning how he was representing Cary citizens' interests to the BoE. Let me take a minute to describe all the meetings the CTC has had with the BoE... wait a minute, there weren't any. The simple fact is that while Cary parents were being tortured over their children's education, Ernie ran for cover and has stayed there since. I wish I could point to any substantive actions on Ernie's part which supported his campaign promise of 'choice in schools for Cary students,' but that promise turned out to be worth less than the glossy paper it was printed on.
Fiscal responsibility is something Ernie has beat his chest about as long as he's been in office -- In fact, it was an integral part of his campaign platform. Today, Cary's debt load is at record levels, and the operating fund margin is at its lowest in 20 years. Ernie & Gang just approved a $385M budget for 2008, $220M of which goes toward building new roads and yet another water/sewer expansion project. We need these things because Ernie's developer-funded agenda is to leave no tree behind and build out Cary as fast as possible. In a recent TV interview, Ernie talked about growth paying for itself. Call me stupid (you wouldn't be the first), but when I see 2/3 of my taxes being used to pay for new capital improvement projects, it feels more like I'm helping to pay for the growth.
On the subject of growth, Ernie & gang recently gave a whole lot of Cary citizens a crystal clear reminder that developers are running Cary. Approval of the Davis & High House demonstrated Cary political machinations at their best. Last-minute project plan changes to manipulate protest validations, a huge group of concerned citizens being utterly ignored (when not being chastised) at the Town Council meeting, and at the end Ernie banging the gavel of approval with a resounding 'Aye.'
So this is how far we have come since the Cary retreat, and this is the state of Cary.
My apologies to Ernie for not addressing him as 'Mayor.' In my mind, that title needs to be earned -- by fulfilling the promises that got you elected, by listening to and representing the people who elected you, and by being accountable for your actions. Ernie still carries the lowly title of politician, nothing more.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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