Update: Something I missed on this flyer which was pointed out to me by one of the many people who know more about Cary politics than I do: The Mayor broke Cary's own law with this flyer. The flyer featured an image and watermark of the official Town of Cary Seal. This seal is copyrighted and can only be used for official town business -- reelection campaigns are not town business. Arrogant to the last, apparently Ernie believes the seal belongs to him and not the Town of Cary.
If Ernie wants his own seal, he should go with this:

There are 120,000 people in Cary and every household is probably receiving these mailers. Ernie's killing a lot of trees here, but that's what he is good at. Perhaps part of Ernie's clear-cutting of Cary was always intended to generate paper pulp for future use in his campaign?
Based on Ernie's flyer, it is clear that he is more than happy to sacrifice his loyal attendant (Nels Roseland) for the greater good of getting himself reelected. His only attack against Harold Weinbrecht is to criticize the 'previous administration' of fiscal irresponsibility. Nels was part of that administration.
Personally, I'm glad to see Nels get skewered, he deserves it. He's as bad as Ernie. He voted against pole signs, but that was actually after he voted for them. Cost: $500K. Ka-ching! He was largely responsible for wasting over $200K of our money on consulting fees for the doomed aquatics palace. Finally, he bought in completely to this insulting last-minute campaign sham regarding land-banking, and in doing so used our kids as political capital.
Nels bought into Ernie-nomics hook, line and sinker, and now Ernie is tossing him off his political Titanic.... A very good example to the people of Cary of just how ruthless Ernie can be when he's not on camera.
Goodbye Nels, you've lost the only guy who maybe could have helped you retain your council seat, and you are no longer a contender. Don Frantz is a great guy and I hope he wins. If not, I am sure Vickie Maxwell will still be a big improvement.
And Ernie, if fabricated 'fiscal responsibility' is the best you can come up with, you're in trouble. The only 'fiscally responsible' facet of your administration is your reelection fund, which is loaded with over $100,000.
We all know a rotten fish stinks from the head-down!
It seems that everywhere I turn, the name Joe Ciulla shows up. Here, Cary News, the Cary Gov't blog, etc. And what is so crazy to me is the constant, unrelenting griping that you do about Cary. Bashing anyone and everyone that does not agree with your close-minded views on what you think Cary should be. Thankfully, most reasonable people see you as a bitter, vitriolic, acerbic and poisonous person with a bad case of sour grapes syndrome. While I completely support and encourage EVERYONE'S right to their opinion, I cannot help but wonder one thing when I read your diatribes: Joe, why don't you LEAVE! If Cary is the cause of so much of your heartburn and its politicians are the source of your bitter and endless complaining, pack up your stuff and GO! Go to a place that observes your ideals, a place that will make you happy and joyful and positive. Heck, Durham, Detroit, Newark, there's lots of good choices and I'm sure that the populous would greet you with open arms. Oh, but you wouldn't pack up and leave because that would entail actually DOING something...that's a lot harder than just sitting there griping, eh Joe?
Thank you for your wonderful suggestion, but I think I'll stick around.
Yes, why be constructive when it's so easy to just sit around and poison the pot? Funny, but without the Mayor and the group you so disdain, you'd sorta be out of a job, wouldn't you? I mean just like Rush Limbaugh's listeners bailed after Bush was elected...if your candidate gets in you may just fade away into the unknown. Silly me. I'm sure you'd find something else to complain about. Maybe you and Toby Coleman can start a newspaper called the "Down with Cary Sour Grapes Journal." Just a thought...
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