
Cary Annexation - Resistance is Futile !!!

In 2007, Cary has been busily assimilating (annexing) hundreds of acres.

Here are a few of the approved annexations:

- 125 Acres along the recently-improved highway 55, for mixed-use development.
- 85 Acres added to Highcroft, for residential development
- 18 Acres, bordering on Chatham County, for residential development
- 7 Acres behind PCH, more apartments coming
- 84 Acres behind PCH, residential

Cary already has plans in place to annex properties in Chatham County. We have now pissed off enough people that our Town Council has met with officials from Chatham County and other nearby towns and agreed upon an annexation moratorium until some rules of engagement can be established.

I don't get it, what's in it for the citizens of Cary. Our 'tax base' may increase, but it must cost a small fortune to run water & sewer out to these properties, who will then proceed to further stress our water resources instead of using the wells they have. Fire stations will have to be built to provide services. What's in it for us?


Anonymous said...

because between us and lake jordan(our water supply) is Chatham county. Doesnt it make sense to have guidelines for development on property in this area. Specifically in regards to storm water runoff, density and impervious surface? Do you really think developers would do this if they dont have strict guidelines? Who do you think will be more strict Cary or Chatham county? Do you think development is going to stop just because you wish it would? Hell with the current change in council, developers are even more likely to build in Chatham county than they are in Wake. Are you really this clueless????

Joe Ciulla said...

Hey, thanks for the geography lesson. You're right, I checked a map, and darned if Chatham County isn't in fact between us and Jordan Lake.

Following your logic, we should annex every parcel of land between us and Jordan Lake. Actually, to be on the safe side, let's annex everything west, south and north of the lake too since stormwater runoff from those places will likewise run into the lake.

Chatham county has a job to do protecting Jordan Lake. If they aren't doing it, then Cary's government need to lobby them for better restrictions, or call them on it if they are falling short of state standards. This will probably be a bit of an uncomfortable record given Cary's 'stellar' track record on stormwater management.

When you lower yourself to calling people names like 'clueless' you show that you believe only yours is the right opinion. Sure, I could lower myself to using terms like 'Political narcissist,' 'Whiner,' or just plain 'Dickweed' to describe you, but that is just not a good use of energy.