
Off the Beaten Path

Today's N&O featured a story about a troubled young man who hanged himself in a youth detention facility. This yout had a police record of breaking and entering, and theft of a handgun. While in the detention center, he used a bedsheet to hang himself from one of the bars in the cell window.

The facility superintendent admitted that this might have been prevented if his personnel had performed their bedchecks, and since the incident they have had plexiglass installed over all the windows to prevent another incident.

According to the young man's mother, "There's nothing in the world that can replace him. No amount of money." So, she sued the state and obtained a $500,000 settlement.

The death of this young man is sad, despite his apparently predestined path to self-destruction. I doubt anyone will write a letter to the N&O questioning why any financial settlement was granted when 'no amount of money' could replace him.

Yet many parents have taken time to write the N&O criticizing WakeCARES for their lawsuit representing the INNOCENT children of wake county. The kids they are defending are on the right track and have no criminal records. None of them will die because of MYR, but how do you put a price on the stress inflicted on their families, on the additional costs of after-school care, or on the loss of equal access to extra-curricular activities?

The BoE/WCC/CTC are no less culpable than this facility superintendent, but the damage they are causing is much more widespread. If you want to criticize someone for suing the government, start in the right place.

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