
BoE Smoke and Mirrors

Here's today's press release from SMYR. These people are intelligent, well-informed, and are not looking to build political careers...


WCPSS Has More Than Enough Seats to Cover 2007-2008 Expected Growth WITHOUT
Mandatory Year-Round Conversions


Feb. 6, 2007

An independent audit indicates manageable growth and mandatory year-round conversions are not the answer. This audit was conducted using staff-generated, historical data to benchmark available seats throughout the WCPSS elementary school system. Conservative methodology was applied and only data generated by WCPSS staff was incorporated.

The WCPSS has a projected need for 4,240 to 5,439 elementary seats for the 2007-2008 school year. Based on Stop Mandatory Year-Round’s (SMYR) independent audit, WCPSS has a minimum of 6,113 verifiable seats and potentially close to 7,000 seats available for 2007-2008 without the mandatory year-round (MYR) conversions. Therefore, there is no reason to implement MYR for the upcoming school year.

WCPSS is currently projecting unprecedented elementary student growth at 5,439 students or 68 percent of total growth of 8,000 students for 2007-2008. However, WCPSS data indicates that average growth for the last 3 years is 4,240 students or 53 percent of total growth per year.

“We at SMYR have heard the concerns from parents, teachers and citizens regarding the uncertainty surrounding the implementation of MYR for the 2007-2008 school year,” said Dave Duncan of SMYR. “We are facing manageable growth and MYR is not the answer. Parents, teachers and even the Chair of the Board of Education have stated that they do not want MYR.”

SMYR recognizes that only incremental and unsubstantial gains are proposed through MYR conversions. In light of MYR fiscal and student assignment shortfalls, SMYR is calling for Wake County to suspend mass conversion to MYR and to utilize demonstrated capacity and voluntary year-round schools for 2007-2008.

For more information, please log on to www.stopmandatoryyearround.com. Please direct additional media inquiries to daveduncan@nc.rr.com or tji93@aol.com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just moments ago, Superior Court Judge Howard Manning, Jr. ruled year-round schedules for schools must be voluntary, in Wake County.

I encourage your comments and thoughts on this ruling.

I have just posted information at my blog.

Inside the Core