
Cary Metropolis

Quite the article in Sunday's N&O regarding urbanization of Cary. Most of the conjecture on growth was based on what developers plan on doing in Cary. One mealy-mouth comment from CTC on making sure building projects are 'good' for Cary. Our Mayor proudly beat his chest in his State of Cary address, taking credit for the long-overdue road widening projects which are finally coming to completion. Now we're going to build high-rise condominiums and large-scale commercial/residential complexes so that we can fill up these new roads with more traffic.

One read of this article is enough to show who is really running Cary -- the developers. They fund the campaigns for our elected officials (of their choice). They fund bond issues so that we may build more schools (which means they can build more houses), and so that those very same tax dollars are used by WCPSS to buy their property at more than 50% profit in less than a one-year period -- See R.Beckwith's blog on that one.

Erv Portman is the newest addition to CTC. Hopefully his wealth keeps him above the influence of the development community.

The CTC has 4 positions including Mayor up for reelection this Fall. The only hope I see for preserving the Cary we know is for a slate of candidates to run under a "Take Cary back from the developers" theme.

The big question is where these candidates would come from, and how to give them a fighting chance against the developer/CTC allies.

1 comment:

darylb said...

Perhaps, since the CTC is beholden to the developers, we should help them come campaign time, and simply post their visages with a big "For Sale" logo, just they do with the houses that paid to put them in office. Just my two cents...