
And Now We Return to My Regularly Scheduled Ranting...

Today's N&O featured a story about Turner Creek Elementary's need for canopies to shield kids from ultraviolet rays during outdoor playtime. Pulte Homes has graciously agreed to pay for them, provided their name is on the canopies. Three weeks ago, the BoE talked about asking Pulte for $500K to expand this school so that it could accomodate the additional students coming out of Pulte's building an adjacent development. Now this. I'm all for public/private partnerships, but do we want our schools to become advertising mediums? Next time I'm enjoying some tasty wings at Hooters, maybe I'll ask about them sponsoring addition of a school trailer (They'll want a 'Hooterville' banner on it I'm sure).

Pulte has made millions on the strip-mining of Cary. They should just give the shelters to Turner Creek as a small payback. If they are entitled to naming rights, then their local corporate office should carry a banner reading "Paid for by the Pain and Anguish of Apex/Cary Citizens."

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