Here's a copy of the letter I sent:

When you perform your 2007 survey, I believe you should take another look at Cary, NC before assigning such a high rating. The Wake County School system (which Cary is part of) is not functioning well, and a growing number of Cary families have been negatively impacted. The growth of Cary and surrounding areas, combined with the lack of funding and action on the part of our government officials, has led to our current predicament of insufficient traditional school seating capacity to support the student base. The impacts to quality of life are significant: Constant redistricting of students (my kids have been redistricted five times since moving here), enforcement of Mandatory Year-Round schools which fractures families by placing siblings on different school schedules, and a slow but growing exodus of students from the public school system in general.
Here is a link to an article in this week's Cary News which clearly defines the school crisis and it's impact on Cary families:
I'm sure Ernie McAlister (Mayor of Cary) is as concerned about the school crisis as Cary parents are, I am copying him here so that he may comment on actions the Cary Town Council is taking to keep education from becoming an issue which costs Cary our rankiing among your Best Places to Live.
Best Regards,
Joe Ciulla
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