Every day I gain more respect for Patti Head's political savvy. The "Divide and conquer" strategy is winning the day. Traffic on the N&O WakeEd and WakePol blogs is high, and the acrimony between the participants is just depressing. The BoE platform is simple: Create fear and uncertainty, deliver veiled threats of increased MYR, and eventually convince everyone that theirs is the only possible solution.
Stay tuned for 2008. The board has already stated that another bond will be required. The $1B we just approved does nothing to increase high school capacity, and unless we're expecting a bunch of kids to drop out after middle school, we will not have enough seats. Get ready for split-scheduling or MYR to be introduced as Plan A (with no Plan B) to solve the high school capacity crisis.
We need our commissioners to remain steadfast in keeping a leash on the BoE, to help us through this MYR debacle, and to start asking questions now about 2008. Failure to do so will play right into Patti's hands.
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