Thank you for your letter published today in the N&O. You raise some very good points:
- Wake County should have made better funding decisions over a year ago to help avoid this crisis. As the great philosopher Alfred E. Neumann once said, "When it comes to hindsight, everybody's got 20-20 vision." -- Perhaps if you had spent as much energy then on securing funding as you are now at diverting blame, we wouldn't have this problem.
- Good call on the "unchecked growth." When you're right, you're right.
Did the commissioners 'Renege' as you assert? Maybe. Did the school board renege on their promise to voters to put an earnest effort toward evaluating ALL non-MYR options if we voted for the bond? YES YES YES. At least the commissioners reneged on a promise to you. The school board board has reneged on a promise to our children -- a quality education without disruption of family life. If that was never a promise of the board, it should have been.
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