
The Conversation That Never Was...

When I have spoken at past Cary Town Council meetings, it has always been a one-way 3 minute conversation. The CTC and mayor don't have to answer any questions because they may not be 'prepared to respond' to issues. I guess I'll never get the chance to have a chat with the mayor, so I'm left to only imagine how a phone conversation with Mr. McAlister might go:

Joe: Mr. Mayor, is the education of our children in a family-friendly structure a priority for the Cary Town Council?

Ernie: Absolutely, Education is a priority.

Joe: Great, can you tell me about all the meetings the CTC has had with Wake County officials to jointly address growth and school capacity?

Ernie: ummmm, Education is a priority.

Joe: Alrighty then. Let’s talk about how MYR has impacted the families of Town Council members....

Ernie: uhhh, None of our kids are in public school, but education is a priority!

Joe: OK, Can you tell me what the Town of Cary is doing to accomodate the difficult track-out periods created by MYR?

Ernie: Absolutely, we’re building a $30M aquatics center, they can go swimming whenever they are not in school.

Joe: Wow, where’d we get the money for that?

Ernie: How ‘bout those Panthers, eh?

Joe: One final question... Have you thought about raising impact fees to help pay for amenities like the aquatics center AND perhaps slow down the growth rate (thus allowing schools to catch up)?

Ernie: click


Anonymous said...


You are aware that the mayor voted against the aquatics center correct? and that the bond for the aquatics center was passed prior to Ernie's election?

Joe Ciulla said...

Yes, I'm aware of the vote, and Mr. Roseland's flip on it. I could have had this conversation with myself and any of the Town Council members. Mr. McAliser got elected because of his outspoken support of growth which has, in my opinion, been a major factor in creating the school crisis.

Anonymous said...

yet you try to connect Ernie to a huge expense, for which he is completely unresponsible for. There are so many reasons to like or dislike a candidate, but as a blogger who has stuck his comments out in public for all to read...you also have a responsibility for accuracy. The key to getting people to vote is giving them facts, not fiction with which to make their decision.

Anonymous said...

Wrong Joe.

Mayor McAlister was elected because Glen Lang was an arrogant tyrant and Julie Robison was, and still is clueless.

The real bummer is the tyrant was the only one doing anything about the schools crisis in Cary. I guess every cloud has it's silver lining.

Joe Ciulla said...

I stand by what I said. The mayor leads the Town Council, they have made no significant effort to engage the school board (Mr. McAlister has recently stated publicly that he did not think they were engaged enough), and this town council made the decision to lower impact fees and increase growth.

Anonymous said...

Do you still blame the mayor for the aquatics center? If so, then you are no different than the member that make up the school board, who fail to listen to fact.

By the way Joe when you bought your house, did you buy a new house or a used house in an established neighborhood? Did you yourself not contribute to the growth problems?

Joe Ciulla said...

I moved to Cary in 1992, and both my children were born here.

Anonymous said...

you didnt answer the question Joe. Did you buy a new home or a used home?

Anonymous said...

Wow. That off-hand comment about the aquatics center really got to Anonymous.

As far as whether or not one contributes to the "growth" of Cary is irrelevant in this conversation. Everyone that lives in Cary is contributing to the "growth" of Cary. Do we set up fences to keep people out of Cary, or suggest that one can only buy a "used" house when moving to Cary? Obviously that's nonsense.

Growth of a town like Cary is inevitable. What is not inevitable is our reactions to the growth, and what we can do to sustain growth, without extremely impacting those that already live here.

The town leaders are supposed to do that. Whether one voted for an aquatics center or not doesn't matter at this point since the current "leaders" are now in charge of it.